Thursday, March 26, 2020

Why You Should Use a Parent Teacher Notes Template

Why You Should Use a Parent Teacher Notes TemplateThe best thing that a parent can do for his child during the school year is to provide as much time as possible for tutoring. This is also a good opportunity for parents to meet and work with their children's teachers. Parents who tutor often get an opportunity to know their children better and make some important observations about their potentials for learning. In other words, tutoring can be a wonderful learning opportunity for children of all ages.So, what are the advantages of using a parent-teacher note template? For starters, it can help you get a more thorough understanding of your child's skills. If you've done your homework, you'll know that your child's homework can be confusing and hard to read, so if you have a copy of the template, you can refer to it whenever you're trying to decipher your child's handwriting or are faced with a difficult question to ask.Another advantage of using a parental use of a template is that it can provide an easy way to keep track of which tutors are good for your child. When you're asking a parent tutor for help, you'll want to know who is the best one for your child. You'll have to do a bit of research on how they assessed your child's learning abilities and written work. A template for parents will help you stay organized, make it easier to get to the most important questions, and give you an idea about what to expect from your child.Some tutors might charge a fee when they first begin tutoring, but once they realize that they can get enough tutoring done for free, they may become a paid service for parents. As long as you're paying for your child's tutoring, you may feel that you need to use a template to keep track of your child's progress. The advantage of this is that you can keep a better track of your child's progress, thus giving you a more realistic picture of how well they are doing.You can also share your observations with the teacher or the tutor so that yo u can learn how your child's homework is progressing. Then, you can discuss how you wish to improve your child's performance and meet your own expectations. By knowing what you expect, you'll be in a better position to ensure that your child gets the kind of tutoring they need. With this in mind, the benefit of using a template is that you can get to know your child and have a better understanding of their learning abilities and how they can improve their performance.Aside from meeting expectations, you can also come up with plans to teach your child the skills that you want them to know. In some cases, a parent may not be the right person to get involved with their child's learning. If you want to learn how to tutor your child, you can learn more about how to become a parent tutor by reading parent tutorials on tutoring or watching tutorials. It's likely that you can use a template to learn more about how to tutor your child, and then you'll be ready to teach your child about thing s that you need to teach them.Finally, using a parent note template can also help you meet any further tutoring that you need to do. There are times when your child might be facing more difficult questions than you might have expected them to. If this is the case, you can use a parent tutor template to communicate your concerns to the tutor so that you can see if there are things that you can do to help your child learn.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Easy Guide to French Accent Marks [+ Accent Codes]

The Easy Guide to French Accent Marks [+ Accent Codes] Jessica Dais French accent marks are an integral part of French writing and correct spelling. Incorrect usage of accent marks, or the absence of them, can cause embarrassing mistakes and frustrating miscommunications. French students who want to become competent in reading the language must also understand how to use French accent marks. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know, including French accent codes to use while typing! The 5 French Accent Marks So, what are the five accent marks in French and when do you use them? Four of the accents are only  used on vowels, and one of them is only used on the letter C. Post Author:  Carol Beth L. Carol Beth L. teaches French lessons in Sacramento, CA. She has her Masters in French language education from the Sorbonne University in Paris and has been teaching since 2009. Learn more about Carol Beth here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Awards Heart Math Tutoring $25,000 Grant to Expand Program - Heart Math Tutoring

North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Awards Heart Math Tutoring $25,000 Grant to Expand Program - Heart Math Tutoring North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Awards Heart Math Tutoring $25,000 Grant to Expand Program North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Awards Heart Math Tutoring $25,000 Grant to Expand Program December 21, 2015 Heart Math Tutoring is  proud to announce that we have received a $25,000 grant from the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation’s Ribbon of Hope program to expand the volunteer math tutoring program to a new school site for the 2016-17 school year. “We are excited to support the expansion of this very important math program” said Marilyn Foote-Hudson, Executive Director at the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation. The North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation emphasizes the importance of science, health, and education in North Carolina. Funding from Ribbon of Hope will support the work of Heart volunteers, who fill students’ gaps  in foundational math skills, as well as improve students’ confidence and enthusiasm for academics overall. “We are thrilled that The North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation is supporting Heart,” said Emily  Elliott, executive director of Heart Math Tutoring. “We are excited about our shared goal of improving student success and academic enthusiasm, particularly in the area of STEM education. Financial contributions like the Foundation’s make it possible for us to empower students to be successful in elementary school and beyond.” Read the full press release here.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to use On-Demand to improve your grades

How to use On-Demand to improve your grades Tutorfair On-Demand is an innovative tutoring app that  allows  students to benefit from high quality maths tuition  after school.   Students are able to instantly connect to a maths tutor from any device and work through maths questions, homework and exam preparation. Here, one of the most frequent users of the app gives their account of using Tutorfair On-Demand. Can you tell us a bit more about how you felt in maths before using On-Demand? “I’m in Year 11 currently studying for my GCSE Maths. I found it difficult in my previous class as there was a lot of disruption and I never understood most of the work. Before using On-Demand, I found maths quite challenging and I wasn’t confident in maths.” Do you feel like you have made progress since using On-Demand? “Since using the platform, I have furthered my understanding of the topics I was struggling with.  I’ve also been moved to a new set which I am now getting on really well with.” The student further credits his online tutor for their support stating, “my On-Demand tutor Edward was a big help to me alongside this.” What made you use the platform for the first time? “The reason why I used it for the first time was because I was struggling in my old class and was looking for some support with homework that was set as I found it challenging”. “I liked the fact that the tutor was a very kind individual who went out of his way to help. He explained things thoroughly and broke down the questions and kept asking me questions to see if I was understanding it. He also pointed out any misconceptions I had made and gave me some tips on the topic.” From them on, I have used it regularly because I found that Edward was always available and every time I had spoken to him I had learnt something new that I was struggling with and now I feel comfortable in these topics. Advice to others! (Maths alert) My advice to other students is that if you’re struggling with Maths then you should definitely try Tutorfair On-Demand.  They’ll do their best to help you and further your understanding. Even if you dislike maths give it a go as it’s a more modern way of getting support! Are you a student that is already registered with On-Demand? Click to log in to Tutorfair On-Demand to access free maths tuition. Our experts are online and available to help: Monday â€" Friday 6pm to 9pm Saturday â€" Sunday 5pm to 8pm Edward H is  one of our private maths  tutors.   Click here  to visit his profile and get in touch if you would like some lessons!

A Beginners Guide to Home-Based Businesses

A Beginners Guide to Home-Based Businesses Image via Pexels Home-Based Business: What to Do Beforehand Unfortunately, creating a home-based business isn’t as simple as quitting your job, sitting at home, and saying you have a business after building a website- if it was, everyone would do it! Rather, having a home-based business takes a good deal of patience, dedication, research, and investment. Here are some things to consider before you make the leap and start your own business. Dig Deep for What You Want: This may seem like an obvious first step, but without it, there is no starting your own business! We all have passions and things that interest us, but the real question at hand is, can I turn this interest or passion into a career? So, you have to dig deep to figure out what it is you want exactly. In today’s age with technology, the options are almost limitless in what you can do and accomplish. You could be a blogger that plays and reviews video games (and gets paid for it)! Or you could be the next big name in the entertainment world on Youtube. All it takes is aligning your dreams and goals with the job market and reaching for it! Research What it Takes to Get There: No one can go from point A to point B without some elbow grease and research into what requirements, qualifications, and skills it takes to get to build a home-based business. It’s important that, before you take the leap, you gather all the information you need in order to carefully asses what you need to do, what skills you need to build, etc. to make your dream of having your own business a reality. A blog post by Miss Ashley Allison  suggests  an  article  from Regis College, which “highlights some of the careers where certain skills are needed; which could be a motivator to help you decide on the path you want to take.” Boost Your Confidence: This world is tough and to make it in this world, you have to have confidence- confidence in yourself, in your ability to do a job, in your skills, etc. We all have points where our self-esteem is low and we don’t believe in ourselves, so you’re not the only one.   To create a home-based business and a successful one at that, you need to have confidence, or else how can you ensure that you can continue on with your business after the smallest setback? In an article on, guest writer and CEO Chris W. Dunn  recommends  a few ways to build your confidence, such as visualizing yourself as you want to be, affirming yourself, doing something that scares you every day, helping someone else, caring for yourself, and shifting to an equality mentality, among some. One that I personally liked was to take the 100 days of rejection challenge. Dunn writes, “Jia Jiang  has become famous for recording his experience of “busting fear” by purposefully making crazy requests of people in order to be rejected over 100 days. His purpose was to desensitize himself to rejection after he became more upset than he expected over rejection from a potential investor.  Busting fear isn’t easy to do, but if you want to have fun while building up your self-confidence, this is a powerful way to do it.” Be Comfortable with Taking a Risk: Stepping outside of your comfort zone and the traditional job market to make your own home-based business takes a leap of faith and a fair amount of risk- and that’s ok! The steps you’ve taken prior to this have adequately set you up for doing this and now all you have to do is take that leap. Taking risks is scary because there’s no guarantee of success or a favorable outcome, however, you never know unless you reach for it and try it! Have a Backup Plan: Making your dream job a reality doesn’t happen overnight, in fact, it can take months or even years to come to fruition. While you are figuring out what you want to do and how to execute it, be sure to have a backup plan or backup job so you can support yourself during the process. Building Your Home-Based Business: Step by Step After taking a few things into consideration, you’re ready to start your home-based business- but where do you start? Don’t worry, I got you covered. Image made via Write Out a Business Plan: Every business starts at a ground zero, and to effectively structure and build your business, you have to write out a business plan. Doing so helps you articulate what you are aiming to do, how you are going to do it, what resources you need to achieve your goal and the expected cost/profit of your goal. According to, “A business plan is a good way to explore the feasibility of a new business without actually having to start it and run it. A good plan can help you see serious flaws in your business concept.” Having a business plan will help you stay organized and on the path of your goal(s) instead of being confused and scattered, which can ultimately lead to failure. Here are some important things to include in your business plan:   Your Basic Business Concept Your Strategy and Actions to Implement Your Strategy What Your Business Will Over in Contrast to the Outstanding Market/Industry You’re Entering Financing Needs Determine Your Business Entity: The next step in the process of building your home-based business is determining the specific kind of entity that your business will be. Lisa Furgison of writes, “You’ll need to select between sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, corporation, S corporation, nonprofit, or cooperative. You may want to talk with your mentor, accountant, and lawyer to make this decision.” Understand Home-Based Business Taxes: Everyone has to pay taxes, even if you are self-employed and have a business at home. If you don’t pay taxes on the money you make, you won’t have a business anymore and deal with charges of tax fraud or evasion- trust me, you don’t want that! Depending on the kind of business you establish, your taxes will reflect that. Talk with a financial expert or account to help understand the taxes you’ll have to pay, expenses you can write off, and how to obtain a business tax ID. Create a Schedule: Just because you work from home doesn’t mean that you want your work schedule to be all over the place. You don’t want to be working until 3am one day and going to be at 7pm the next. Of course, some days are going to be unbalanced, but you want to have a schedule so you can stay organized and balance your workload in a healthy, productive manner. Leslie Truex of the Balance Small Business suggests, “Find blocks of time you can use to build your business. For example, work an hour in the morning, an hour at lunch and two hours after everyone goes to bed. On your calendar, mark blocks of time for home business tasks and then guard that time.” Designate a Proper Work Area: Plenty of us are guilty of having a messy desk or office area in our home. Think about it, when you have clutter like papers, books, memos, etc. all over your desk and office space, do you really feel like working in there? I know I don’t. Having a messy workspace clutters your mind and distracts you from what you’re trying to accomplish. Since your livelihood and business is at home, you have to designate a proper space to work. In a blog post by Gunderson and Denton, they note that this is one of the common mistakes of people who have home-based businesses. They suggest that “having a reserved office space can help you get into work mode. Even if your home is small, you can set aside a corner for your desk and computer specifically for your work. Eliminate all distractions in the area. If you have to work in a common area, keep your desk designated for work only, and create some sort of divide between work and home.” Assemble Your Dream Team: Though you may have all intentions of working by yourself (and there’s nothing wrong with that), you still need to have a few important people in your corner to help your business flourish and keep you sane in the process. Lisa Furgison writes, “Find an accountant to help with taxes and payroll, an insurance broker to decipher policies, a lawyer to draw up business forms, and a mentor to talk with during tough times.” Network, Network, Network:   Networking online is no different than networking in the real world. Find people in your same niche, connect with them, follow their business pages and establish a relationship. Through networking, you can collaborate with people and expand your audience! Additionally, promote your business on social media networks, such as Facebook or Instagram. Create specific pages on these sites for your business and link your business website on your Facebook and Instagram so not only can people reach you on social media, but they can also share your posts to spread the word! Use hashtags and look at the best times to post of each social media site to optimize your reach. Image via Pexels Creating a home-based business is by no means an easy thing to do, but if you have a   drive and a passion to mix your passions with your skills and make something meaningful of the two, then it is certainly worth it in the end. Before diving in, do some important things like digging deep for what you want, boosting your confidence, and researching the market and industry you’re entering. After that, build your plan, create a schedule, designate a space, and do the boring tax work to take your business off the ground. If you have the right support system around you, there’s nothing that can stop you from being a success. As always, good luck!

Helping your Kids Transition back to School after the Holidays - ALOHA Mind Math

Helping your Kids Transition back to School after the Holidays After a holiday vacation, it can be hard for children, and parents, to get back in the swing of school, both the daily preparations to get to school on time and being prepared once there. A Smoother Transition back to School takes Reestablishing Routines Routines are one way to make the transition back to school easier. Getting back to, or establishing, both a morning routine and an after-school routine does wonders. Sometimes during holidays, bedtimes may have gotten lateryou know, trying to stay up to wait for Santa, or watching the ball drop or fireworks on new year’s eve. This can make getting back to a normal bedtime routine also important. There have been many studies about how a lack of quality sleep can have a negative effect on daytime performance. New Bedtime Routine: Stop the use of Computers, eReaders, Tablets and Smart Phones two Hours before Bed for Better Sleep If your child received an eReader, tablet, computer or smartphone as a gift, you might need to set some surprising boundaries at bedtime. There have also been several recent studies about the detrimental effects of anyone, adult or child, using a screen (such as a computer, tablet, eReader or smartphone) right before bedtime. Studies indicate that the quality and color of the light from those screens (bluer than normal household lights or daylight) can interrupt our body’s natural nighttime, pre-sleep routines and lead to poor-quality sleep. One effect that the light from these screens has is to suppress melatonin levels, which can lead to poor-quality sleep and lack of functioning well the next day (sleep deficiency, over time, can also lead to more serious issues like diabetes and obesity). So if your child received one of the listed electronic device for Christmas or Hanukah, back-to-school is the time to start teaching kids good sleep-hygiene habits. These include winding down for bed by stopping use of electronic devices about two hours before sleep. It also Takes Adaptability to Get Back in the Swing of things Make sure to remind your children to bring home any paperwork from school and from extracurricular activities. Allow time to go through the paperwork. Hopefully changes in schedule will be detailed there clearly so you can incorporate changes or upcoming events in the schedule. See our post with tips on time management for families for other ways to keep up with a busy child’s schedule. One other Tip will have to wait until the Next Holiday to Implement One way to smooth post-holiday routines, is to keep some of them going during the holiday. Okay, we’re not going to get our kids up early every morning as if they had to catch the bus, but parents can plan after-school or evening “Explore-Time.” During the time a child would normally do homework, parents can let a child pick a topic they want to learn about. Kids can take books out of the library, or go online and you can help them research penguins, or snow leopards, or a famous mathematician or scientist, or the Amazon junglewhatever topic that intrigues them. If the child gets into it, they can even write a paper and read it to parents and siblings the night before school starts. There are many fun learning activities online at sites like The Kids Activities Blog; you can substitute any one of them for the above idea. With Martin Luther King Jr long weekend around the corner in January, you can give these techniques a try. Do you have any tips to share for easing back in to the school routines?

Always do What you Can not to Do.

Always do What you Can not to Do. I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist who lived and worked in Paris for many years. Picasso the inventor of new forms of art, an innovator in styles and techniques, and one of the most prolific artists in the history. Picasso created more than 20,000 paintings. He was not only a painter but also a sculptor. His full name was Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Clito Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. He is one of the most famous figures in 20th century. Together with Georges Braque, Picasso initiated around 1906â€"1908 Cubism, based on a strong inspiration of Paul Cezanne  work. Picasso is considered the founder of Cubism.